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Audio Transcript for Commitment & Support
Welcome to the 7 Day Audio Guide for Allowing Love.
My name is Zoe Lumiere, and I’m so glad to be able to spend this time with you.
You're about to learn 5 steps that take about 10 minutes a day.
These 5 proven steps have helped me go from being single my entire adult life, to marriage in about a year.
And helped me find the clarity and courage, to leave a job that I loved but that was keeping me small … to the creation of my own business and the sharing of my own life’s work, while doubling my income, within a year.
I have supported dozens of clients using this program in my one-on-one coaching practice, who have allowed their perfect partners, their career expansion, and the fulfillment of a variety of dreams, easily into their lives … One of my clients loved this program so much she asked if I would record this program on audio, not just for her, but also encouraged me to share this program freely, as a gift to the world. So thank you Theresa.
So this program is designed to allow your Soul led dream easily into your life.
The dream, that is right now, a small still inner voice, an inner knowing, inside each of you.
The dream that you know, will require that you grow, expand, and deeply align with your highest self, your most authentic and brilliant version of yourself.
You wouldn’t be listening to this audio if you didn’t already have some sense of your Soul led dream. It may be crystal clear, or it may be incredibly vague. This program will support you regardless, and help you easily come into more clarity every day.
First, a Few Logistics
You will need a notebook or journal, and a pen. And I encourage you to use a journal or notebook that feels special and beautiful to you. Not just scraps of paper or an arbitrary pad of paper.
You will also need a quiet private space. You will be directed to close your eyes at particular moments, and to allow a deep heartfelt connection to your highest Self, so in order to really allow the depth, authenticity and clarity of your dream into your life, I encourage you to listen to this program in a private, uninterrupted space.
And finally, this process might work best when done first thing in the morning, before we connect to the overwhelming input from our physical or digital worlds. So I do recommend that you don’t look at your instagram feed, your facebook feed, your email inbox until after this process each morning. However, whatever time of the day you choose can and will work, and I encourage you to give your full and complete focus to this process, just for 10 minutes.
Today We Are Preparing the Space
Today we are preparing the space in your life that you’ll need to complete and be wildly successful with this 7 day guide using two very practical and powerful tools: commitment, and support.
The following 5 days will cover Steps 1 through 5. And the seventh and final day will put this practice all together for you, in a way you’ll be able to use daily yourself, if you choose.
I’m going to lead us through a Light alignment just now, and for this, and throughout the program, I use the word Light. I encourage you however to use whatever word or terms work best for you. The Light is just one word that I use, to call and activate that collective energy of all of our Souls, of that one Spirit, one Love, one Source, one God.
My experience with using the Light is that it doesn’t matter what word or name we use.
What does seem to matter,however is that if we want our Soul, or the Light to guide us practically in our daily lives, it’s helpful for us to spend time within, receiving our intuition for moving forward. And even more importantly, and miraculously, that when we spend this time with the Light, with our dream within, it seems to also affect and influence the world around us.
Just Now, Relax, And Close Your Eyes
I ask for the Light to fill, surround and protect us for our highest good.
I ask for the Light to support and guide us in centering more deeply into our love, our heart, and our intuition.
I ask that anything that is no longer serving us, anything that is no longer working for us, that that may be lifted throughout this process, throughout this week, and on going for the highest good of all concerned.
I ask that each of us listening, and participating just now, come into the greatest alignment with the Light, helping us more deeply allow our Soul’s impulse, our intuition, and the energy of grace to more fully live and fulfill our lives and our dreams.
We take the time to be grateful. For all of our lives, just as they are, just now.
And we are grateful, deeply grateful, for all that’s to come.
And so it is.
So First Let’s Look At Commitment
How committed are you … to calling in the one? Or to working for yourself? To a new career or new business … or whatever is loudest in your heart right now?
It’s an amorphous idea right? How committed are you to your dream?
We could look at how much time every day you are spending on your dream?
We could analyze your brain to see what kind of emotions or activity light up when you think about it?
We could look at how much money and investment have you given your dream?
And we could look at past behavior, and past decision making … how lined up and congruent are you with your dream?
So I’m not sure about what happens for you when you think about commitment in this way, but it’s overwhelming, and stressful for me. It triggers comparison, competition, and can easily lead to a deep and debilitating experience of not-enough-ness.
So the idea of being committed to a dream … in these physical ways, is often overwhelming and counterproductive. Recent academic research is finding that traditional motivation and goal setting methods are not as effective as we once believed. Essentially as the planet evolves, we are finding that outside-in approaches to life just aren’t working as well.
Eckhart Tolle has said: When you get the inside right, the outside falls into place.
Consider that a more powerful way forward exists. And that rather than first focusing on all that you have to do outside, in the world, that by focusing on getting the inside right first, the outside will fall into place, easily and gracefully.
So rather than committing to your dream, or to all the work or changes or challenges your dream presents, consider committing to one daily habit, of spending time within, of getting the inside right.
Are You All In?
So now, in this moment, ask yourself, are you all in for the next 7 days?
No I mean it, ask yourself right now -- are you going to do this for the next 7 days? Pause this audio just now, for as long as you need to receive your answer.
And if you’re all in -- if you’re committed just to spending these 10 minutes every day within, how can you support yourself in that? Can you put it on your schedule? Can you set an alarm on your phone? Whatever works for you, pause this audio now and do that, and come back.
Ok great. Well done.
Now that we have an inner commitment, to ourselves …
Next Let’s Get Some Support.
For the next 7 days, I am here to support you. And this audio guide will serve as a tool for you towards your dream.
I also encourage you to allow other support into your life, to encourage and inspire you more fully to your dream.
Is there a close friend, a partner, a colleague, a family member that you feel really comfortable in sharing about your dream, and asking them to support you on this journey? Perhaps they also have a dream inside, and they could join you on this 7 day adventure and beyond.
So just now, let your one key support person come to mind. Write down their name, and write how and when you will contact them to invite them to support you. Perhaps you both choose to do this 7 day audio guide together? Whatever outer support you choose, right down your next step now.
Finally, I have created a closed facebook group
Where people experimenting with this process can receive and give support to each other, and receive direct support and guidance from myself. I encourage you to make a note of that now, if that support calls to you also.
Ok so that’s it! That’s Day 1.
Tomorrow we’ll be diving into Step 1 of the Allowing Love Program, and I look forward to being with you all again then.
Light and love, to a beautiful day ahead.
Love, Zoë