[OPTIONAL] Audio Transcript for Asking & Awakening

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Audio Transcript for Asking & Awakening

Welcome back! So exciting to be with you all again.

Congratulations for making it back for day 2.

So today is Step 1 -- Ask and Awaken.

The very simple idea … “We have not, because we ask not.” is found in many spiritual traditions, throughout the ages.

Today, We’re Going to Harness the Power of Asking

But in a way that’s aligned with our individual Soul and with the Light.

And in a way that will over time, help us to continue to align, direct and fuel our dreams, with the Light.

Throughout this process we’re going to use a particular location in the body often referred to as the tisra til. Many eastern traditions consider this area of the physical body the ‘seat of the Soul’, and  I personally experience this as the most powerful focal point for me in terms of accessing my connection to the Light, to my Soul, to my intuition. The tisra til is found at approximately at the center of the head. You can touch the tops of your ears just now and draw an imaginary line connecting your fingers -- the middle point of that line is approx the tisra til.

So just now, be aware of this point, for when we use it shortly.

The Very Beginning of This Process is to Ask

Either inwardly, out outloud:

“I ask for the Light to fill, surround and protect me for my highest good.”

Now take in a deep breath, and as you take in this deep breath, focus your attention at the tisra til and as you’re taking in this deep breath, imagine a spark of bright light at that point, that builds in strength and Light as you breathe in.

Then as you breath out, this brilliant white Light fills the entire body.

Again breathe in, as deeply as you can, and at the same time experience your entire head being filled with this pure bright white Light, the brightest most brilliant white Light you’ve ever seen … And breathe out, seeing and feeling this white Light travel and fill your entire physical body.

For a third time, you’re going to breathe in, deeply filling your stomach with air, while simultaneously filling your head with this beautiful bright white Light, so powerful and bright, that it’s Light radiates out beyond the head. And breathe out, slowly and sweetly, exhaling all of the air from your lungs, and at the same time filling your entire body with this beautiful white Light, feeling it, sensing it, experiencing it fill your entire body, down into the smallest cellular level.

It might take some time for you to naturally and effortlessly see and experience the Light in this way, but over time, our inner muscles for seeing and experiencing the Light grow powerfully.

Next, We Ask Within, For Our Dream

Next, we ask within, for our dream, with the intention of aligning with the Light.

So at first I suggest writing this question down, but eventually it will work to simply ask this inwardly, and then to get your answers inwardly also. But initially I highly recommend writing both your question and your answers in your journal.

So we write ..

Dear Light, Is my dream for my highest good?  And if so … how will it grow and expand me?

But instead of writing ‘my dream’ -- you are going to write your actual dream.  

For example -- you might write:

Dear Light, Is having a baby for my highest good? And if so, how will it grow and expand me. Or …

Dear Light, Is getting married for my highest good? And if so, how will it grow and expand me. Or …

Dear Light, Is my new business project, changing jobs, starting this new business, going back to school, for my highest good? And if so, how will it grow and expand me.

Use as much, or as little detail as you like

When we're first beginning to lean into a new dream, it’s very general right. We're still in the stage of learning if it's truly aligned for us. But as we receive our intuition every day -- supporting that dream as our focus -- we start to receive the details and next steps for the dream.

For example when I was leaning into changing careers I began asking:

Dear Light, Is coaching for my highest good?

And after I’d been leaning into coaching for many months, it became more specific, and changed over time, including ‘ is resigning from my job to expand into my coaching practice for my highest good … and then to focusing on relationship coaching for my highest good … and even recently … is my 7 day audio coaching guide for my highest good …

So each day, after you ask for the Light, you’ll be asking for whatever stage of your dream you’re clear with -- asking if it’s for your highest good -- and how will it grow and expand you?

Caroline Myss has one of my favorite quotes: “Always go with the choice that scares you the most because that’s the one that is going to help you grow.”

So as soon as we have finished writing that question -- we then close our eyes. Move to stillness. And then begin to write down our answers as we receive them.

For those of you that haven’t done a lot of work receiving intuition, or being guided inwardly, I’m going to suggest one particular technique. And for those of you that have particular intuition techniques that work for you - please feel free to use those.

I call this Technique ‘Talking with My Highest Self’

So the technique I’m going to walk you through -- I call talking with my Highest Self.

First I close my eyes and I move my focus within myself -- to the tiara til -- the center of my head. And  I imagine that I’m in a beautiful treehouse, I can see a tropical rainforest all around us, and I’m sitting on these incredibly lush comfy couches.  And on the opposite couch I see highest Self. My high self has beautiful blonde curly hair, and she shines Light. She’s beautiful. And so as soon as I close my eyes, I let my highest self answer the question. I then go back and forth, from listening to her with my eyes closed, and then writing the answers down. Then closing my eyes again, receiving any other answers she has for how my dream is going to expand and grow me. And then writing those down too.

This technique works well for most people -- it is visual for those that mostly see the Light, it can also be auditory for those that hear their intuition more than see it, and it’s also kinesthetic, in that for those that just feel, sense, or experience an inner knowing, this kind of technique works well also.

Ok so let’s actually jump in. The bottom line here is that this is a skill, that takes time, patience, and focus to cultivate.

So Be Patient

It may take some time before you get into YOUR groove of how you really effectively receive your intuition, your answers within.

But it will be more than worth it.

So Let’s Do It   [Step 1 - Ask and Awaken]

Just now, writing down the question: ‘Dear Light, is my dream for my highest good? And if so, how will it grow and expand me?’

And so now close your eyes. Come into stillness. Move 100% of your awareness and attention to the tisra til, and allow yourself to see / hear / or feel your conversation with your Highest Self within. As you receive your answers you’ll open your eyes and right them down in your journal. REturning again to your inner focus, to your conversation with your highest self, and so on.

For a minute or so, chat with your Highest self.

You can pause the audio now and return when you're complete.

Great! Well done.

Take a moment to be aware of how that feels

If that felt powerful and profound -- great!  

If that felt confusing and convoluted -- great!  

With patience and persistence, everyday, this affirmation of your dream and it’s purpose and power in your life, will move mountains. So be patient, and be kind and sweet to yourself as you expand into this first step.

So my final support for you for Step 1 -- particularly for those of you that haven’t done any a lot of this kind of inner work -- you might find this a bit of a stretch, and be overly concerned with the accuracy of what you’re receiving, and if it’s coming from “the right place”?!

You might be asking, is this my ego? Are these just thoughts? Am I making this up? Is this really information directly from God Almighty herself!?

My spiritual teacher John-Roger has said:  

It’s our willingness to do, that gives the ability to do.

So I sincerely encourage you -- to jump head first into this process!!! Be willing to completely show up for yourself!!! Be willing to participate fully.

Do whatever you need to to make this work for yourself.

Trust yourself. And know that you can do it.

So that’s Step 1: Ask and Awaken!

Tomorrow we’ll review Step 1 and then jump into Step 2 where we’ll be more fully receiving our Soul aligned dreams into deeper levels of consciousness … and more.

Great job today everyone.

So much Light and grace to your day.

Be with you tomorrow.

Love, Zoë

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